Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Here's the idea

The contents of this website are mine personally and do not reflect any position of the U.S. government or the Peace Corps.

My original "vision" for this blog was to use it to all those friends and family members who I asked to send me marshmallows or cash for the Deva Simeria GLOW TOBE camps this summer, up to date on the process of planning the camp. I thought I would use it to show you pictures, tell stories, and let you know what activities I was planning and also illustrate the process of planning a summer camp, so You my very-important conscientious donors of marshmallows or three to twelve dollars can feel involved and see what good you're accomplishing with your money.

Then the idea grew. I started thinking about letting other volunteers I've invited to be instructors at the camp post on here with their ideas for activities, inspirations and experiences. Maybe we could catalog the process of organizing a GLOW TOBE summer camp that other volunteers can use as and example and learn from our mistakes. We can share resources. Peace Corps volunteers doing GLOW and TOBE in other countries might use it. We can even include all Peace Corps camps. It doesn't have to be about Girls Leading Our World (GLOW) or Teaching Our Boys to Excel. And then, eventually, when the time is right, this blog will take over the world!

So that was the idea. I intend this blog as a place where PCVs organizing camps can write about their experiences, share pictures, stories, ideas, resources and reflections and I intend to use it to chronicle the challenging process of carrying out two summer camps that combine girls and boys GLOW and TOBE in one summer. And I hope other people will join me in telling these stories.

I should mention here that we've had some discussion about whether or not this is an "official" blog as in belonging-to GAD Romania which is a funded committee of PCRo. For now, it's not. It's my blog and the people writing here will be writing at my invitation. They will express their own opinions and speak for themselves, but we do not represent GAD or PCro or the U.S. government. That, I think will make itself fairly obvious.

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